
We need healing that feels safe and doesn't require silencing or suppressing a part of ourselves.

We need space to rest, recharge, cry, be angry, laugh, and emote all the emotions we feel and our ancestors held. We need time to process the wounds and weights we carry.



Alluma: Art & Healing was inspired by Deanna’s life experiences and her past 12 years of work as an art therapist.

“When I was little, I spent hours making things while sitting crossed-legged in the kitchen bay windows of my childhood home.  In this space, my senses were awakened by the sounds of nature and the fragrances of familiar things.  I was free to feel.  I felt safe and comforted. I want to create sensory and healing spaces for others.”


“As life unfolded, safe spaces became fewer and fewer as I became aware of how my Blackness, my body, and my be-ing impacted my ability to be authentically expressive, and creative. Looking out into my world, whiteness was reflected back at me. It was as if, being me wasn’t enough. Over time, this affected my physical and mental health.”

“Throughout my career, I’ve come to discover this an experience expressed by many of my clients. My mission to hold healing and creative spaces become even more important.”


"Art has been a consistent presence in my life. Whenever I felt lonely, music and dance were always there as a source of comfort. In times when I felt misunderstood, ceramics provided an outlet for my emotions and I embodied the process of transformation. When I painted, I learned to believe in my ability to bring my ideas to life. Art has been my lifelong mentor, a source of healing, and a provided space and time where I can simply exist.”

“I founded Alluma: Art & Healing to provide a supportive environment for marginalized individuals and people of color who seek spaces that foster healing and personal expression.


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